Site of the Moment Two
bands! First is my own li'l bro's band Softer.
He's the one on keyboards. Ain't he adorable, ladies! Also, the way cool
5, a band of super robot musicians. Skullboy and G Man have appeared
on a flyer for one of their shows.
Ex Sites of the Moment
G. Comics! Chris finally got his butt in gear and got his brother to
make him a website. Practically everything Chris has published is on this
site, from the now defunct Bullpen Bits to the now hard-to-find Giant Size
Mini Marvels. So, what are you waiting for? Go read some funny comics.
You sure aren't going to find any around here. Just kidding. I'm hilarious.! Everybody, everybody, this is one of the best websites I've seen in a while. - "It's dot com!"
Robot Bastard! Check out this online short film by Rob Schrab, the guy who used to do Scud the Disposable Assassin.
Big Battel! I want the WWC to fight these guys soooo bad. The Beetle
is calling The American Beetle out!