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The Amazing Adventures of Surly Boy was a strip I did in college for the on-campus magazine, The Omen. It used the latest in computer graphics technology from the high-tech program Windows 3.11 Paint! The strip chronicles the wacky adventures of a young man named Surly Boy (convenient that his name also defines his demeanor, don't you think?) and his house mate, a talking duck named McCoy.  They are a typically mismatched pair and their clashes lead to many a humorous situation. Ho, ho! Watch as they learn to live and love in this crazy world of ours. Just listen to what the critics are saying!

"You based Surly Boy on me, didn't you."
-Every One I Know,
Specifically Wade Stuckwisch
"Aren't you mad that South Park stole all your ideas?"
 -Some Girl I Talked to on a Bus
"I didn't get last weeks strip. I'm sorry, I just don't understand it."
     -This Other Guy, I think he had brain damage.

But, hey, enough gabbing! On to the comics! A word of warning though, some strips contain some strong language. Surly Boy tends to cuss like a sailor.

1. Meet Surly Boy.
2. Surly Boy Returns.
3. In Which Surly Boy Gets Hit by Lightning.
4. Wherein George Clooney Makes a Discovery.
5. Surly Boy Gets Drunk.
6. McCoy Learns to Drive.
7. Surly Boy Meets Steve Buscemi.
8. Surly Boy Forever.
9. Number Nine.
10. Surly Boy is the Top Dog!
666. We interrupt the normal pages to bring you Page One of the SURLY BOY GOES TO HELL! Saga.
666. The final chapter of SURLY BOY GOES TO HELL!
11. We now return you to your regularly numbered pages.
12. Surly Boy and Robin.
13. Witness the final confrontation between McCoy and Maurice!
14. And then...oh I don't know. Surly Boy drinks or something.
15. Surly Boy meets a girl.
16. Surly Boy gives her his heart.
17. Surly Boy goes to the store.
18. I can't tell you.
19. Ditto.
20. Same deal here.
21. Oh, just read it already.
The New Duck Saga >NEW!<

Extra Bonus Stuff!

The Very First Surly Boy Strips Ever!
Surly Boy, Behind the Scenes!
Portrait of a Tortured Soul.
Oh, Surly!
Surly Boy Valentines!
Surly Boy Icons!
Surly Boy Commencement Poster by Wade Stuckwisch.
Bootleg Surly Boy Porno by Wilder.
Surly Boy Spinoff, Chuck is Naked, by Caleb Chabot.
The Surly Boy Archives